Letter to the Invigilator

A letter similar to that below will be included with your exam. It must be filled in, signed by your invigilator, and returned with the exam for marking.

Enclosed is a copy of Sail Canada's Basic Coastal Navigation exam. A student of coastalnavigation.com has asked that you serve as invigilator while he or she completes the exam.

It is understood that you are an adult, and not a close friend, spouse or other relative of the student.

If you accept, you are obligated to:

1. Keep the exam in your custody at all times, not allowing anyone other than the candidate to view the exam.
2. Verify that no copies were made of the exam or any questions.
3. Invigilate the candidate writing the exam within the time limit of
3 hours. This is an open-book exam, so the student can refer to notes, books, or on-line resources.
4. When the student has finished writing the exam, sign and attach this letter to the examination paper, seal it and the exam chart in the enclosed return envelope, and mail it to the address on the envelope.

Do not hesitate to contact advantageboating.com should you have any questions.
We sincerely appreciate your cooperation.


I have met the above requirements and observed __________________________ (student)
write the attached exam within the time limit and without reference of any kind.

Invigilator's signature: __________________________________________
Place: _______________________________ Date: ___________________

Invigilator's full name: __________________________________________
Telephone: ___ - ___ - _____ E-mail: ______________________________


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