Years of ExperienceWe have 21 years of on-line experience meeting the needs of recreational sailors and powerboaters around the world.
A History of Successcoastalnavigation.com is an easy-to-follow system of instruction for novice and veteran boaters. The program has proven successful for hundreds of graduates.
Everything You Need to SucceedAll materials are supplied, including a nautical chart and your plotting tool. This is a value of more than $40.00
Satisfied GraduatesI have to say, this course is terrific. I've picked up a book or two since taking the course and nothing is as well put together as this course. Thanks for your assistance and support during my journey to obtaining the my Basic Navigation Certificate! It was excellent, well written, presented well. The plot-it exercises, flash pieces and step-by-steps helped a lot. I thought the course was excellent. The lessons were very informative, well organized and laid out; and the self examinations very helpful. I thank you for a great experience. I really enjoyed the course, particularly the plotting exercises. I thought your material was extremely well put together and that it illustrated each of the performance objectives both clearly and appropriately. Although my preference would be for an in-class approach, the quality of your online offering was such that I would not hesitate to recommend it to others. Go Beyond the Basics
Specific Versioning
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